Death row inmate wins appeal after judge’s ‘regular racism and antisemitism’ revealedwhytheracecardisplayed1 min readUpdated: Nov 7, 2023Rated 0 out of 5 stars.No ratings yet#justicesystemFor more than 15 years on death row, Randy Halprin filed challenge a fter challenge to his sentence. The denials began to stack up.Finally, on Friday, one of his appeals persuaded Texas’ highest court to stay his execution, which had been scheduled for 10 October.Halprin’s lawyers had found several people who said that the judge who oversaw their client’s murder conviction had regularly used racist language and referred to Halprin, who is Jewish, using antisemitic slurs.The lawyers had been spurred to investigate the judge, Vickers Cunningham, by an explosive report in The Dallas Morning News last year saying that he had promised to reward his children if they married a white, Christian person of the opposite sex.The report sank the judge’s campaign for Dallas County commissioner.
#justicesystemFor more than 15 years on death row, Randy Halprin filed challenge a fter challenge to his sentence. The denials began to stack up.Finally, on Friday, one of his appeals persuaded Texas’ highest court to stay his execution, which had been scheduled for 10 October.Halprin’s lawyers had found several people who said that the judge who oversaw their client’s murder conviction had regularly used racist language and referred to Halprin, who is Jewish, using antisemitic slurs.The lawyers had been spurred to investigate the judge, Vickers Cunningham, by an explosive report in The Dallas Morning News last year saying that he had promised to reward his children if they married a white, Christian person of the opposite sex.The report sank the judge’s campaign for Dallas County commissioner.