Why do black women choose to become prosecutors? Despite the systemic racism against black men in the U.S. Justice System?

Racial disparities in the criminal justice system persistently impact Black men. Here are some key facts:
Imprisonment Rates: Although people of color constitute about 30% of the U.S. population, they account for 60% of the incarcerated population. African American men are disproportionately affected, with 1 in every 15 being incarcerated, compared to 1 in every 106 white men.
Lifetime Incarceration: Shockingly, one in three Black men can expect to go to prison during their lifetime. Racial profiling remains a problem, as Blacks and Hispanics are approximately three times more likely to be searched during traffic stops than white motorists.
Sentencing Disparities: Black men receive federal prison sentences nearly 20% longer than white men convicted of the same crime. Additionally, their sentences are, on average, 10% longer than those of their…