Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City and a presidential candidate, has faced scrutiny over his checkered past related to race relations. Here are some of his most controversial statements:
Stop and Frisk: Bloomberg defended the controversial stop-and-frisk policing tactic, which disproportionately targeted people of color. In a 2015 speech, he claimed that 95% of murderers fit a specific profile, implying that racial profiling was justified.
Redlining: Bloomberg supported discriminatory practices like redlining, where people of color were selectively discriminated against based on their neighborhoods. Redlining perpetuated racial disparities in housing and economic opportunities.
Central Park 5: He made unfiltered comments about the now-exonerated Central Park 5, a group of Black and Latino teenagers wrongly convicted of a crime. His remarks were criticized for perpetuating stereotypes.
While Bloomberg has apologized for some of these statements, they continue to be part of his legacy.